Saturday, December 28, 2019

Milton s Paradise Lost, God, Satan Or Adam - 1484 Words

Who is the hero in Milton’s, Paradise Lost, God, Satan or Adam? This question has been pondered by all who read this epic poem of Milton’s since it was first published in 1667. To answer this question objectively, one must first define the word, hero. Webster’s dictionary defines hero as: â€Å"A person or character who, in the face of danger or adversity or from a position of weakness, displays courage, bravery or self-sacrifice for some greater good.† So, by using this definition as a guideline, I will attempt to analyze each character as portrayed by Milton to see who, if any, fits this Criteria. God as a hero in Milton’s Paradise Lost. God is portrayed as an omniscient being that is following the guidelines of the Hebrew God found in the bible’s Old Testament but with a much more tyrannical twist. Although professing a great love for his creation, man, and his defense of the gift of humanities free will, he is portrayed as being incapable of understanding humankind and lacks both emotion and depth. He has no weaknesses and is the embodiment of pure logic. This makes God have no relatable or recognizable qualities that the reader can readily adapt to. Although God explains things such as why various events have occurred such as Satan’s decision to corrupt Adam and Eve, he gives all of his answers based in theological terms. He even fails to explain in this work why he allows evil to occur. Instead he explains that he will make good out of evil. He also showsShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of John Orwell s Paradise Lost 882 Words   |  4 Pageshelp communicate a specific message or lesson. In Paradise Lost, Milton effectively uses the conventions of epics to justify the ways of God to humanity. Paradise Lost includes most if not all of the conventions of epics, however several conventions in particular are the ones that best communicate Milton s message. The first convention is a legendary hero who embodies the values of a civilization. Adam and Eve are our heroes in this story. While Adam and Eve are the only people in their civilizationRead MoreSimilarities and Differences of Paradise Lost and Frankenstein.1282 Words   |  6 Pagesthe two novels, Paradise Lost and Frankenstein, there are many striking similarities. What makes these two books so wonderful to read is the author s ability to write about the ultimate struggle; the struggle between God and Satan, or Good and Evil. The characters in Paradise Lost and in Frankenstein seem to be very similar to one another. God and Victor Frankenstein have many similarities. One of their similarities is that they are both creators of new life. The monster, Victor s creation, alsoRead MoreJohn Milton : A Strong Advocate Of Political Liberty Essay1659 Words   |  7 PagesA strong advocate of political liberty, John Milton was a poet during the Renaissance (Puchner 2742). He was born on December 9, 1608 in London to a middle class family. His parents were John Milton, Sr., a professional composer, and his mother, Sara Jeffery. Milton had numerous siblings. He was only survived by three of them; however, some of them died at young ages. During Milton’s writing years, he wrote many pamphlets based on political, religious, populism, and educational topics. However, Milton’sRead MoreWho Can Blame The Poor Little Demon?1596 Words   |  7 Pagesmakes Satan an interesting character, almost a hero, although unwilling to repent, simply seeking his rightful place and when he cannot, and will not, he goes after God’s prized creations. Who can blame the poor little demon? Aren’t we accustomed to routing for the underdog? Milton gives Satan the gift of gab, intelligence and our viewpoint, which makes us see his point of view. Of all the poets who have introduced into their works the agency of supernatural beings, says McColley, Milton has succeededRead MoreSatan Is Evil Or Evil?1330 Words   |  6 PagesWhen hearing the word â€Å"Satan†, people often think of a red man with horns, a pitchfork, and a tail; he is often visualized in the pits of the underworld surrounded by flames. Why does society picture him this way? Some may say â€Å"Because he is evil† or â€Å"Because he fell from heaven†, but people mostly believe this because this is what they were taught. Satan is a figure appearing in many texts of religion as someone who brings evil and temptation. He is known as the deceiver who leads humanity astrayRead MoreEssay about John Miltons Paradise Lost as Christian Epic1147 Words   |  5 PagesParadise Lost as Christian Epic John Miltons great epic poem, Paradise Lost, was written between the 1640s and 1665 in England, at a time of rapid change in the western world. Milton, a Puritan, clung to traditional Christian beliefs throughout his epic, but he also combined signs of the changing modern era with ancient epic style to craft a masterpiece. He chose as the subject of his great work the fall of man, from Genesis, which was a very popular story to discuss and retell at the timeRead MoreBiblical Analysis Of Mary Shelley s Frankenstein 1376 Words   |  6 Pagesof Genesis, Adam and Eve are punished for taking from the tree of knowledge. The event that is presented in Genesis involving Adam and Eve strongly correlates to the first volume of Frankenstein. Driven by his mother’s death, Frankenstein looks to science in order to combat the death and illness that surrounds him. His acquisition of this scientifical knowledge leads to the creation of a horrible being. By creating life, he is able to atta in the knowledge and status of an omnipotent God. In parallelRead MoreJohn Milton s Paradise Lost985 Words   |  4 PagesJohn Milton’s Paradise Lost is a paradox of morality and character definitions. After reading multiple articles, the largest concerning topic was the hero status of an inherently evil character. The issue lies within defining what a hero is and is not in terms of epic poetry. John Milton’s refusal to clarify a hero shows this paradox he has created is a something that he meant to achieve. According to Mary Nyquist in The Father s Word/Satan s Wrath, â€Å"The text seems here not just to invite, butRead MoreHeroic in Paradise Lost by John Lost Essay1637 Words   |  7 PagesThe theme of the heroic in John Miltons Paradise Lost is one that has often been the focus of critical debate, namely in the debate surrounding which character is the true hero of the poem. Most critics of the subject have, however, noted that the difficultly in defining the he ro of Miltons work is mainly due to our â€Å"vague understanding of what constitutes heroism†1 and the fact that â€Å"the term itself is equivocal†2. The vague terming of what heroism can be defined as it what draws criticsRead MoreParadise Lost By John Milton853 Words   |  4 PagesAt first glance, Paradise Lost by John Milton can easily give the impression that this classic piece of literature is a cut copy of the Book of Genesis. Contrary to that notion, Milton’s retelling of the story of the fall of man differs from the western idealized Old Testament in many ways. Throughout the 10,000 lines of the poem, Milton characterizes Adam, Eve, and Satan [Lucifer] with vivid, well thought out dialogue. Overall, Milton’s reimplementation of the archetypal text of the Book of Genesis

Friday, December 20, 2019

The Dangers of Tattoos Essay - 674 Words

Tattoos are becoming a popular phenomenon that is seen everywhere. Today’s youth are getting permanent tattoos to be cool and trendy, but are not considering the long-term effects. Teenagers should be aware of all that body modification may include, it is not just a pretty picture. Adolescences must consider the dangers and conscientious result of attaining diseases, being underage, and having a permanent mark on their body. The unsanitary conditions of getting a tattoo tend to go unnoticed by teenagers. The increase popularity in body art has also caused an increase in the incidences of Hepatitis, especially Hepatitis C. Hepatitis C is spread by contact with human blood. Since, the government regulation has not enforced†¦show more content†¦Certain tattoos can also give you a bad reputation. Such as, having a skull can make adults think that you are part of a biker gang or having certain symbols would associate you with a gang. If you don’t get your parentâ₠¬â„¢s consent for a tattoo and somehow get one, then you will have hide the tattoo in order not to get in trouble. Sometimes, if you have a tattoo showing when you go to a job interview, you might not get the job. Employers feel that their employees should have a nice outer appearance that would look attractive to the customers. Being underage can be a bitch. Finally, tattoos are permanent and very hard to get off. It would be hard to pick one design and to stick with that design for the rest of your life. Most people change their mind about everything at least three times. What may have seemed cool when you were 25 is completely different kind of cool when you are 55. Also, your body changes too. You won’t have the same body at 25 when you are 55. That tattoo will be there forever unless you decide to use laser surgery to have it remove, which would cost at least a thousand more than the tattoo itself. Then, after you have it removed you will still have a scar where the tatt oo use to be. You could even end up in hell for having a tattoo. God created your human body and expected you to die with that human body. Which, if you get a tattoo it would be a creationShow MoreRelatedThe Importance Of Art On Body Art749 Words   |  3 Pagesshould be allowed tattoos? I insist they must not to have the tattoos. They are a greater number of professionals than cons to help this subject. I trust that people under age 21 has a tendency to do hasty things without thoroughly considering the long haul results of their exercises. Irresponsible, imaginative, unconstrained – yes, you can at present be any of these things without destroying your body forever. The reasons that tattoos needs to prohibit less than 21 years old are; danger of contaminationsRead MoreTattoos and Body Piercings791 Words   |  3 PagesTattoos and Body Piercings Throughout time body piercings and tattoos have become a very common trend in today’s society. Body art including both piercings and tattoos have been around for many years, it used to be a way of communicating through each other but it has now become more of a fashion trend especially among today’s youth. Not only do tattoos and piercings have their own type of fashion but they can also represent many things such as religious traits. Many people ignore the dangers thatRead More Dangers Of Tattooing Essay864 Words   |  4 Pages The Dangers of Tattoos nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Many people think that tattooing is dangerous. Part of this is because people don’t think that the tattoo artists sterilize their materials. Others believe that tattoos have a high risk of infection. And the most commonly reported problems are allergic reactions. Others feel as though the pain factor is too immense. Although these fears are common they are easily prevented. Most of the people who believe these things aren’t fully informed withRead MoreWho Is Dayani Cristal Analysis1451 Words   |  6 Pagesstarts out with Gael Garcia Bernal acting to show the immigrating migrant perspective through his characterization as Yohan. Immediately the perspective shown through Yohan’s gaze depicts the state of urgency when discussing the dangers that will be faced on his journey. The dangers include drug lords, dehydration, exhaustion, and many other situations that many individuals would not partake in. For example, the train that the migrants ride on top of during their travel to the border, is a threateningRead MorePolemic About Tattooes1028 Words   |  5 PagesThe polemic about tattoos I was wondering why tattoos are a controversial point in our society! There are people against and people that really like tattoos, but who is right? Should I think it is a good or a bad thing? Maybe for the tattooists the art involves is worth the pain and sacrifice of being tattooed. For the religious, it is a sin to sacrifice one’s body with so meaningless purpose. Now I don’t think there are excuses to justify so drastic a way of art, but analyzing the pointsRead MoreIn Southeast Asia, Animism and Buddhism have led to a unique tattoo culture where tattoos have1400 Words   |  6 PagesIn Southeast Asia, Animism and Buddhism have led to a unique tattoo culture where tattoos have practical, magical, protective and power enhancing properties. Animism is the world view that non-human entities (animals, plants, and inanimate objects or phenomena) possess a spiritual essence. This is the indigenous belief system of the people who inhabit Burma, Thailand, Southwest China, and Laos. The imagery and ritual of tattoo culture in Southeast Asia takes its roots in a mixture of indigenous practicesRead MoreFreedom of Self- Expression: Tattoos and Body Piercings at 16 Should be Permitted1232 Words   |  5 Pagesthat children should have permission to get tattoos and body piercings. I believe that teens should have the authority to get them on our own. The current Texas law states that any person un der the age of 18 must have parental permission before getting a tattoo or any body piercing. Identification is required to verify the persons age. I feel that by the age of 16, any student should have the authority to express themselves in a way such as tattoos and body piercings. There are various aspectsRead MoreTattoos Should Be Allowed in the Workplace Essay1507 Words   |  7 Pageshaving a tattoo could ruin every hope one has of getting the job. One may ask, â€Å"why does having a tattoo ruin ones chance of getting a job?† A tattoo would ruin one’s chances at getting a job simply because it is wrongly viewed as unprofessional. Starting off as juices and markings, tattoos were nothing more than ways of identification and personalization. Rubbing juices extracted from plants onto your face and arms is the most notable to people. Also using bone needles and pigments to tattoo in aRead MoreLegalizing Tattooing in South Carolina Essay1155 Words   |  5 Pagesincident of a tattoo dates back 4,000 years B.C. a traveler was found in Italy near Austria, preserved in the permafrost of a glacier. Carbon dating and arte facts found near him suggest that he is over 5,300 years old (Tattoos and Design). Tattoos have been used to identify a person with a particular group or just to decorate a persons body. Some designs are symbolic: In Japan, carp mean bravery; peonies mean good fortune (McNab 42). As tattooing became more and more popular, tattoo parlorsRead MoreThe Structure Of A Building1307 Words   |  6 Pagesand Picasso speak to all that can be made lovely by a man s touch. The word tattoo originates from the Tahitian word tattau, which signifies to tap, and can be followed back through a piece of history. The specialty of tattoos has been apparent since antiquated Egypt and over 1,500 years prior the Japanese checked hoodlums as an image of disgrace for their discipline (Britannica, 2000). In the nineteenth century tattoos were seen as horrible and abnormal, yet as the twentieth century moved by innovation

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Child Abuse and Huck Finn Essay Example For Students

Child Abuse and Huck Finn Essay Child Abuse is something that children all around the world have to deal with every day. Child abuse can cause physical and mental affects on a child. It occurs very frequently and can happen for many different reasons. There is a law now stating that reporting child abuse is mandatory and you should report it immediately. There are thousands of child abuse victims every year. The abuse usually can leave permanent damage on the rest of the childs life. Child abuse is a very serious crime, and affects children everyday with positive and negative affects. Child abuse is a serious crime, that if violated can come with many consequences, and rules. Reporting child abuse is a mandatory law enacted in 1978 (but amended many times) stating that people must report child abuse immediately1. This law was created to identify children that are victims of child abuse. Relating to the law the Department of Human Services has responsibility to access and investigate suspected child abuse. Each year Department of Human Services investigators conduct 20,000 investigations involving 30,000 children (in the state of California).2 There are a lot of cases reported each year, involving innocent children, abused by their parents. Although there are thousands of cases reported each year, thousands go unreported. Child abuse has serious consequences which may remain as indelible pain throughout the victims lifetime3 Child abuse can have permanent negative affects on the child, permanent affects that the child will never forget. The abuse can also bring a better side to the child, making the child wanting to be more independent. Child abuse is very common, and can affect any child of any race, color or religion. Child abuse is caused by a parent, for many reasons, and can lead to many kinds of problems for the child. Parents impose child abuse for many reasons such as psychological problems to low self esteem to alcohol or drug abuse.4 Child abuse happens for many different reasons but all the reasons are still child abuse, and are taken seriously. Child abuse can also occur when parents have too high of expectation of their kids which then leads to abuse. Abusive parents may show disregard for the childs own needs, limited abilities, and feelings.5 Disregarding childrens needs can include a neglect ion. Children need parental advice and for parents to fulfill all their needs. Some parents lack basic information about normal child development and parenting.6 All parents need information about parenting and normal child development, in order to become a loving parent that a child needs. Some parents lack information because they too, were brought up with abusive parents also. All these reasons are reasons that lead to child abuse and should be taken seriously, and reported immediately. Child abuse is one of the worst things children have to go through, and can impact a childs life with a negative affect. Physical abuse is any non-accidental physical injury, suffered by a child as the result of the acts or omissions of a person responsible for the care of the child.7 Physical abuse usually ends with a child hurt with bruises and scars. If reported the child can be taken away from the home. Mental injury is an injury to a childs intellectual or psychological capacity that is observable to the childs ability to functions with in the childs normal range of performance.8 Mental injuries can result with problems later in the childs life, and can affect them immensely. If mental injuries are bad enough the child can suffer depression and commit suicide. If child abuse goes unreported the results could be serious and impact the childs life for the future.9 Child abuse must always be reported, the later you wait the longer the child has to suffer. If it goes unreported the child could have mental problems and no future ahead of them. There are many types of child abuse, but whether it is physical, or mental they all result in a damaging affect towards the child. Child abuse is a serious crime that comes with serious consequences. It should always be reported in the protection of the child. .u4ca68b7bf94c8b3a907ab838c59378a6 , .u4ca68b7bf94c8b3a907ab838c59378a6 .postImageUrl , .u4ca68b7bf94c8b3a907ab838c59378a6 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u4ca68b7bf94c8b3a907ab838c59378a6 , .u4ca68b7bf94c8b3a907ab838c59378a6:hover , .u4ca68b7bf94c8b3a907ab838c59378a6:visited , .u4ca68b7bf94c8b3a907ab838c59378a6:active { border:0!important; } .u4ca68b7bf94c8b3a907ab838c59378a6 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u4ca68b7bf94c8b3a907ab838c59378a6 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u4ca68b7bf94c8b3a907ab838c59378a6:active , .u4ca68b7bf94c8b3a907ab838c59378a6:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u4ca68b7bf94c8b3a907ab838c59378a6 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u4ca68b7bf94c8b3a907ab838c59378a6 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u4ca68b7bf94c8b3a907ab838c59378a6 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u4ca68b7bf94c8b3a907ab838c59378a6 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u4ca68b7bf94c8b3a907ab838c59378a6:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u4ca68b7bf94c8b3a907ab838c59378a6 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u4ca68b7bf94c8b3a907ab838c59378a6 .u4ca68b7bf94c8b3a907ab838c59378a6-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u4ca68b7bf94c8b3a907ab838c59378a6:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Too Much Experience Going Up the Creek Essay Child abuse is something that can happen to anyone, and that can leave .

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Genre British Film Institute Essay Example For Students

Genre British Film Institute Essay Classifying films according to genre was one of the earliest methods of organising the production and marketing of films by Hollywood. It allows for standardisation and product differentiation in a market flooded by competitors. However genre is more than an industry device. It is a fluid and changing state of film conventions. It is virtually impossible to find a film that belongs to a single genre as most incorporate many different styles. Silence of the Lambs (1991), for example, may appear to be the classic example of a horror movie yet it includes the sub genres of psychological drama, crime and thriller. In this way it is seen to be generically instable or forming a generic constellation. Genres, although possessing distinctive patterns can alter depending on their use and relationship to other genres (Corrigan and white, 2004, 290). Silence of the Lambs, produced by Jonathan Demme, demonstrates how filmmakers can use generic constellations and instability to distance a credible film from the seemingly un-credible genre of horror. The use of genres in films, like stars, emerged from the Hollywood studio need to identify audience anticipations and vice versa (Cook, 2003, 290). Genres have a recognisable repertoire of conventions such as plot, characters, setting and narrative development:Â   a category or classification of a group of movies in which the individual films share similar subject matter and similar ways of organising the subject through narrative and stylistic patterns (Cook, 2003, 290). This does not mean that Hollywood can produce hundreds of films with the same plot, in spite of popular belief that genres are all the samethe emphasis on sameness, repetition or standardisation does not limit the audiences enjoyment (Branston and Stafford, 2003,112). Audiences are not a coherent body with a consistent set of expectations and although they may be aware of the generic conventions of a horror or romance film it must work creatively and individually within the genre to be a success (Gelder, 2001,152). Genre mixing or hybrid films were introduced by Hollywood to satisfy a number of different audiences and have led to generic constellations and instability. Generic constellations suggest that genres with distinctive patterns and conventions can overlap and transfigure according to their relationship with other genres. For example, viewers of a film described as a romantic comedy will have a totally different set of expectations to a film described as a romantic thriller despite belonging to the same core genre. The genre system still functions to distinguish film types but acknowledges that is it a system flawed by blurred boundaries and contested categories. Generic instability is based on a similar hypothesis but recognizes that some genres do not mix easily and movies often go through various stages of generic classification before reaching a stable generic identity (Altman, 2002, 140). The generic definition of a film can change according to the classifier the studio, contemporary critics, the audience and the censors may have highly different interpretations of the film. This is particularly relevant when considering The Silence o f the Lambs (1991). Jonathan Demmes film Silence of the Lambs was a major commercial and critical success worldwide. It was a five-time Academy-Award winner including best picture. Demmes Best Director Oscar made him the first (and only) filmmaker to win for a thriller. The movie was based on the novel of the same name by Thomas Harris thus a generic identity existed long before the film was released. Yet distributors and critics sought to distance the movie from the supposedly low calibre title of horror in favour of psychological thriller. Critics also emphasised the important contribution the film made to the feminist movement by casting a woman in a dominant, lead role. Jodie Fosters star offered some security from the less prestigious genres of horror and action: Robocop - A Postmodern Film Study EssayWe are encouraged by the mise en scene to think of the film as gothic horror in the same vain as Dracula. When Hannibal murders two prison guards in order to escape from his make shift cell he takes great pleasure in biting the face of one of the victims leaving blood smeared across his mouth. This disturbing scene has an added dimension of horror by the presence of classical music, traditionally a sign of the educated within society. Traditionally gothic horror has centred on monsters from the educated and upper class world, for example, Dracula, Dr Jekyll and Hyde and Frankenstein. There is a need to make a spectacle in this genre and this is achieved through Lectors disturbed artwork. Initially his images of Clarice holding a lamb and later his victim draped in an American flag and hung like an angel. Gothic horror is also apparent in many of the settings particularly the prison where we first meet Hannibal. This evokes images of Victorian asylums with bare brick walls, iron bars and hysterical in mates. This is in stark contrast with the realist horror created by Hannibal himself. Doctor Chilton claims in the movie hes a monster, a pure psychopath yet Lector and Bill are possible realistic monsters (Freeland, 1995, 130). Indeed the character of Buffalo Bill was created through case studies of previous serial killers Ed Gein, Ted Bundy and Gary Michael Heidnik. These monsters are true to life and this causes instability between the standard genre of horror that we believe to be fictitious and the sub genre of realist horror. The film intentionally plays upon confusions between representations of fiction and reality. By the nature of generic constellations films will often go through a series of generic instabilities in context with new audiences and social beliefs. Silence of the Lambs was initially classified as a thriller, crime and psychological movie but as time has progressed it has gradually reduced to psychological horror. The process of generic instability is typically forgotten, hence our belief that classic Hollywood operated via pure genre films (Altman, 2001, 140). It seems generic instability and generic constellation relate to the idea that genres are fluid, ever changing states of cinematic convention. In order for films to be creative and original genres need to constellate and/ or become instable. Although audiences view a film with a set of generic expectations they want the film to work autonomously within its selection of genres. There is no such thing as a pure genre film or X factor that optimises what creates a horror, romance or western genre. This is evident in Silence of the Lambs. The movie works superbly as a horror and a psychological thriller. It is hard to distinguish where one genre ends and anther begins and surely this is a sign of a successful generic constellation? Although critics and filmmakers avoided the classification of horror it has illustrated that the genre can be as legitimate and respected as any other. It also important to remember that although genre has important economic and cinematic influences it cannot be accorded sole determination over the end product.